Menopause talk

In June 2022, I was fortunate enough to be invited by Diamond Creek Runners to give them a talk on menopause. The runners who are around that age have found themselves feeling hot all the time, especially when running. Here is a copy of the talk that I have uploaded on YouTube. This was editedContinue reading “Menopause talk”

Lifestyle Medicine

I am learning more and more about Lifestyle Medicine. I am currently doing a course from Australasian College of Nutrition and Environmental Medicine, hoping to become a fellow. We can prevent up to 80% of chronic medical conditions through paying attention to lifestyle factors. Your Lifestyle Prescription Nutrition Protein intake Protein is important for bodyContinue reading “Lifestyle Medicine”

Cholesterol – A guide to help you understand

What is cholesterol? Cholesterol is a fatty substance found in your blood. It’s a type of lipid produced by animal cells as part of the cell membrane. Cholesterol is also used to make hormones, nerve sheaths, bile salts and vitamin D. It is also used to transport proteins. It is typically produced in the liver.Continue reading “Cholesterol – A guide to help you understand”

Beginners Guide to Low Carb Lifestyle

Have you put on weight during the covid lockdown in 2020? Lacking exercise due to lockdown?  Too much baking, chocolate, treats, snacks? Need to loose weight? You could be surprised that weight loss is 80% with diet and only 20% with exercise. Imagine a diet that can help you loose weight, reduce your risk of diabetesContinue reading “Beginners Guide to Low Carb Lifestyle”

Real Life Medicine Affiliation

I’ve teamed up with Dr Lucy and Dr Mary – from Real Life Medicine Lots of you know Dr Lucy Burns and Dr Mary Barson from Real Life Medicine. For those of you who don’t know them, I want to introduce you. They are 2 super passionate doctors. They are on a mission toContinue reading “Real Life Medicine Affiliation”

Covid positive resources

So what if you are diagnosed with covid? I have collected a few links of resources to help you get through it. This article is written by an Australian GP. I have Covid, the infection. Now what? RACGP Managing Covid 19 at home with assistance of your GP Vic Government Covid Checklist Northern Hospital offersContinue reading “Covid positive resources”

How to get a good night sleep

Getting a good night sleep is very important. Sleep is very important for many bodily functions. Sleep is important for memory and learning activity. Sleep is also important for your immune system. Lack of sleep can result in reduced immunity. It may even increase your risk of infections or cancer. Lack of sleep also increasesContinue reading “How to get a good night sleep”

Metabolic Syndrome

Metabolic Syndrome is also known as Syndrome X, or cardiometabolic syndrome. It is increasingly common in Australia. It’s associated with the rise in obesity and lifestyle factors. These people have increased risk of cardiovascular disease, diabetes, chronic kidney disease and many other conditions. Insulin resistance is “a state in which a given concentration of insulinContinue reading “Metabolic Syndrome”

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